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Housing, Lending Project

Housing and Community
Development Project

Contact: Joe Rich
Phone: 202-662-8331
Fax: 202-783-0857

E-mail: [email protected]

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Housing discrimination is a painful, stubborn reality for people of color in the United States. All too often, substandard segregated housing in minority communities exacerbates economic, political and educational disparities. In an effort to overcome these problems, the Fair Housing and Community Development Project litigates fair housing lawsuits under the Fair Housing Act to challenge discrimination in rental and private markets as well as in public and assisted housing. The Project has obtained millions of dollars in relief for our fair housing clients and trains numerous local private attorneys to handle fair housing cases and to accept referral cases from fair housing councils that use testing to confirm legitimate complaints of housing discrimination. The Project also works with African American and other minority communities to promote and support community development activities that address the legacy of disinvestment and discriminatory practices by government and private entities. The Project provides litigation and transactional legal services to existing and emerging community development corporations (CDC's).

Recent Developments

Housing and Community Development Staff

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